* all images property of Jeff Phegley (www.jeffphegley.com)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Untitled 8.2008

This is a pen and ink drawing. I have just re-discovered the quill pen and how really great it is to work with. I recently have been looking at old master drawings and admiring the artists skills and techniques. Among the chiaroscuro woodcuts and watercolors (which are amazing), crosshatching was used prevalently in both ink and charcoal drawings. I responded to the cross-hatching because that is the technique that I usually apply to my etchings. I felt there was no better and direct way to prepare my etching sketches than with a quill pen and inks. I hope to now do more preparatory sketches with this drawing technique which I hope will help to inform my new etchings.


Kate said...

Crazy though I know you think this is, I find this drawing very vaguely Kahlo-esque: the man, the woman, the chicken, the Day of the Deadish iconography. The mural-esque quality of it. Very Mexican-era WPA (yes, I know they did not have the WPA). I know, nuts.

Luke said...

I regret not visiting your blog for a while, man. This is amazing, one of favorites I've seen in a while.